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Open for Inspections are back!

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Good morning, Megan here coming to you from Mint HQ on a Wednesday the 13th of May 2020 and I am delighted to tell you that we are now able to conduct open for inspections for properties that are available for lease.

So, we will be following all of the guidelines released and that is no more than 10 attendees to an open and that we do need to record contact details for everybody who attends and hold that data for at least 28 days. It does mean that we can now have groups of people through vacant properties for them to view it rather than organising those individual one-on-one, back-to-back private inspections. I got to tell you I am pretty excited, and we think it will make it a lot easier for people who are out there searching as well. I hope you have a great day. Take care.

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