“Same bills, same groceries, same income. The only thing that has changed is prices have gone up. The rising cost of living is the most common reason why people in Australia are struggling to put food on the table”
… and a few more reasons Mint PM supports this amazing charity.
As some of you may already know, every year we pick a charity to donate to at Christmas time. For 2022 we chose Foodbank Australia and will be repeating that choice in 2023 after discovering that their support of Australians goes much further than we initially anticipated.
Our team member, Fiona, was invited by Foodbank Australia to attend their “Thank You Morning Tea” earlier this month, which included a tour to gain some insight into just what they do for Australians. Fiona initially thought it was going to be a big ol’ warehouse that acts as a collection point where food is sorted for distribution to the disadvantaged people all over our country, which in theory it is, but she quickly learned that it is also so much more.
Here’s what Fiona had to say about her experience:
The morning tea started out with a very warm welcome and introduction to CEO Dave McNamara, who is both passionate and dedicated. As a former chef, he took on the job when looking for a way to give back to the community. That was 15 years ago! Since then, he has pushed, pulled and coerced the food donation space into a tightly run organisation. They proudly tell the world they do not send out soft drinks, chocolate or sugary treats, instead the focus is on fresh food and vegetables and quality products that provide essential nutritious goodies. They also provide the education on how to put the food together into a family meal or a feed for one, catering to al situations.
We split into groups and I deliberately positioned myself into Dave’s group. I wanted to hear more from this guy and wow, he did not disappoint with his clear enthusiasm and knowledge.
Droughts, bushfires, floods, COVID, refugees, homeless youth, schools, rough sleepers and their pets; Foodbank strives to leave no person in Australia hungry. Non-denominational, non-judgemental, just committed to providing healthy sustainable food and consumables to every community regardless of background. This includes, fresh food, groceries, sanitary products, pet food, essentials like toilet paper, hygiene items and more. I learnt that food insecurity is real and 2 million households experience severe food insecurity, which means days can go by without eating. 365,000 children in Victoria alone live in severely food insecure households.
Foodbank’s new “baby” is a brand-new double bus that acts as a mini supermarket, driving to communities and schools where anyone can go onboard and ‘shop’ for what they need rather than being given a box of food not of their choice. “Why shouldn’t they be able to have that choice?” says Dave. During Covid, Skybus obviously didn’t have a lot going on and their buses were just sitting there going to waste, so they thought why not put one to good use and donated it to Foodbank.
Each busload will support approximately 100 families at every location, with around 15 kilograms of food per family.
I feel privileged to have been taken on this tour and morning tea. I’ve learnt a lot and feel proud that we donate to this amazing charity.
Fiona, Property Manager
If you would like to give a helping hand or donate to Foodbank Australia please visit their website, www.foodbank.org.au or find them on all the socials. There are so many different ways you can support them and the lifechanging work they are doing!